SUTD Blockchain Club - Request for Hardware Grant for Squad Staking

About Me:
SUTD Blockchain Club is our university’s student led club that aims to connect Web3 natives and to grow the Web3 community here. We are constantly working towards building & improving our platform were workshops, fireside chats, and networking opportunities can happen. The Web3 scene in Singapore Universities is relatively small but this serves as an opportunity to put our best effort to grow the student community here, who will be the future ambassadors.

Why I’m requesting a Grant:
As a student club, we currently do not have any school funding, income channels, or external sponsors to partake in Obol’s Squad Staking Program leveraging DVT. Speaking on behalf of the community here, we strongly believe in the ethos of Decentralisation as the foundation of Web3, and Validating the Ethereum Network as a local school community encapsulates the very essence of that. Hence, we are requesting this grant as a push towards cultivating this spirit of Web3 in our school, and creating ownership within the community to continue our role as an Ethereum validator long into the future.

Additional Information:
Although not all of the community can be directly involved in Obol’s Squad Staking Program, we hope to use this opportunity to inspire to-be Web3 leaders to carry on the duty as a validator as we hand over from cohort to cohort. We would also like to use this program as another anchor to our Club’s mission: to continuously build for the community’s benefit, always. We hope that through the hardware grant, our student body can take pride in being part of the movement to make Ethereum more decentralised, and contribute back to the Web3 space in whatever ways they can.