Squad Leader Volunteer Template
General Info
Name or Username: BaBou
Location or Timezone: UTC+01:00
Spoken Languages: English/French
Preferred Communication Channel (Telegram, Discord, Email, etc): Telegram & Discord
Interest in speaking on a Squad Leader Discord Event: Yes, why not to share experience during the Program
Reason for wanting to Lead a Squad:
Since 5 month, I am running on Goerli and Holesky, a Diva Network (DVT) Node Operator and I want to continue to contribute to the decentralization.
I want to lead an Obol DVT Node Cluster to also have the experience to this tech stack and be able to have an opinion by running the 2 most important DVT tech stack on the ecosystem.
In addition, diversity is an important pillar of decentralization and resilience, which is why I want to participate in the DVT network as much as possible to help in the decentralization of Ethereum.
Staking Setup
Previous Experience with Staking / DevOps / Hardware Infrastructure:
I used Dappnode since 1 years to operate solo staker Goerli Ethereum with Geth and Prysm. Then, to experience, I changed to Holesky network and used Besu and Teku for this one.
As technical experience, I am engineer since 2013 in computer science and I am working in Ethereum field since 2018. I worked as architect engineer and DevSecOp for ConsenSys to build private and public Ethereum Network, first with Parity Node and then with Besu Node for institutional. I developed the first implementation of Besu Kubernetes Operator, in 2020.
Hardware (or cloud infrastructure) I plan to run my Obol DV on: DappNode with i5, 64 Go RAM and 4 To.
Currently a Techne Credential Holder (Yes/No): No